Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What i ate for dinner =)

It's been a very long time since i ate Vietnamese roll so during grocery with mum earlier this evening it suddenly popped out of my head

The idea of making these Vietnamese Rolls =)

It's a very simple food that would keep you satisfied for hours =)

The only ingredient needed are:

Green Onions
Salad leaves
Thai chilli sauce

and you will get



It was really yummy =)

PS: You can even add a thin layer of egg sliced nicely together in it..Rawwrrr =D

Yours Truly,Yurika

Tarbush Baby!!!!

What is a Tarbush?

Now Tarbush for your information is actually a brimless, usually red felt cap with a silk tassel, worn by some Middle Eastern Muslim men, either by itself or as the base of a turban.

Today i'm am not going to talk about this male headwear but i'm going to talk about a delicious restaurant my family & I went to yesterday called Tarbush Restaurant in Sunway Pyramid

the guy in the sweater is my brother =)

Okay it's picture taking time =)weee~



mummy & me

After going through the
"i don't understand a thing" menu,heheh i left all the choices to mum as she is the expert =P

So we ordered:
Tarbush Hommus
Lamb Briyani
Ox-Tail soup

This is how Tabouleh looks like.It's a salad made of parsley,tomatoes,cucumbers,a lil of olive oil and lemon zest...It's really unique because who ever thought we could eat parsley that easy's my current favourite salad for now..wink wink..

I never thought that our lamb briyani would come in such large portion..I mean just look at it!!..3-5 people could eat this together =)The briyani we ate is not the usual mamak briyani we eat..It's much more nicer than seems like they fried the briyani a lil bit with lamb curry..i'm not quite sure about that though..the lamb they gave us was like superb!! Well i'm really satisfied with all the food mum picked for us..thanks mum =)

It was a lil too much for us three but luckily we have the big appetite Azman to help us finish the food=) I really wished Adrian was there together with us though =S I'm sure it would be much more merrier if he was there with us.Well someday baby we could go there and eat with mum and Azman right sayang?

The price of the foods are also quite reasonable and the interior is cool =)
I would recommend you guys to try this place out
It's really worth it =D

Yours Truly,Yurika

Friday, December 25, 2009

I miss my one and only Adrian Filzee =)

Yours truly,Yurika

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hot Hot Yoga

Well it was my first hot yoga class and it was tough
We had to do a lot of different poses
and we have to bend here n there
keep our legs strong and straight
bla bla bla
It was super obvious that i was the only beginner there
Everyone else was like super flexible!!
I wished i was like them too
Super tough for someone like me who was not born with a super flexible body =/
After the whole doing this and that my hair was like boom..hahahah..and my face was like pinkish
But i did sweat a lot which was really good
Well if i want a super flexible body i'm gonna have to keep doin this regularly
I'll try okay =)
wink wink

PS:My legs hurts like hell now =(

Yours Truly,Yurika




lil brother
i knew you could do it!!!
Weeeeee =D

My one and only brother(my favourite =P) got all A's(8 A's to be exact) for his PMR this year
I'm sooo sooo happy for him
He'll finally get the iPhone he wanted
Errr i think depends on
Well whatever it is congrats lil bro
I know you did work hard for this so don't ever stop and make us all proud alright?
You'll always have our back

Yours truly,Yurika

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Needs to go to the gym

Haven't gone to the gym for 4 days straight now
(yes that's horrible)

Friday, December 18, 2009

22nd December 2009

This will be the date I will go out with two of my dearest friend

Maliha & Wanis

We are planning to go to either one utama,the curve,cineleisure damansara or ikea

We might go to all of em

Can't wait =)

Yours Truly,Yurika

Scream & scream for more ice creams!!

I bet you guys will go GA-GAA after i've shown to you these amazing mouth watering ice creams =)

Be Prepared =D


Looks yummy rite? =)

But WAIT!!

These delicious wouth watering ice creams are not as wat they seem they are
They are actually......


I don't know where to find one of these
I would really love to geton for myself
So if any of you out there know where i can get them,please do tell me =)

Yours Truly,Yurika

Saturday, December 12, 2009

the 10 MUST to do cuti ni

1.Lose 5 kgs before starting my new sem..okay at least 2-3 will do..lets see how this goes

2.Cook for mum and azman but only eat a lil bit

3.Drink lots and lots of H2O and the apple vinegar thinggy

4.Siapkan dat light box adrian and yurika tu..haish haish

5.Do not i repeat do not spend so much money instead keep em(dats what "piggy banks" are for right?)

6.Learn Katakana and master them!!

7.Try and speak japanese at home or when you go out..speak or else you'll forget

8.Learn cooking..okay this one cam da okay kot since i have to cook everyday now..haish..voices of azman and mama "Yuri Yuri lapar!!gi masak!!"

9.Keluar with my beloved Aliya,Liyana and Shuhaiba(Damn i miss you guys badly) tp i kene kumpul duit starting now cos ada RM 1 je dalam dompet ..sighh..da la plan nak gi karaoke..camne ni if x da duit..seriously jangan kwar g pyramid..sumpah bosan dah..TEMPAT LAIN!!

10.Melepak ngan Liyana Wanis tapi x taw la jadi ke x..hahah

Itu sahajalah buat masa ini =)Sekian Terima Kasih

Yours Truly,Yurika

Monday, December 7, 2009

current mood

I am feeling awfully super fat right now

damn i hate this

whenever i eat,i feel like my body is getting an inch bigger for every bite

this is crazy!!

i don't feel like eating anymore

please make this stop right now!!!!

screaming inside

Yours Truly,Yurika

Finger Crossed

I am planning to keep my hair really long =) hehehe...not that long till your waist kind of thing...aaaa u get what i mean right?

yeap yeap

lets keep our fingers crossed and see what happens =)

My hair is like really terbantut cos it takes really ages to grow so probably i might get that dream hair of mine when im in semester 8?


I am also planning on
curling it =)

yes but before all that let get these babies to grow first huh =/


Yours Truly,Yurika

India Arie-The Truth

Spoken : Let me tell you why I love him

Cause he is the truth
Said he is so real
And I love the way that he makes me feel
And if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly because
His light it shines so bright I wouldn't lie no

Verse 1:
I remember the very first day that I saw him
I found myself immediately intrigued by him
It's almost like I knew this man from another life
Like back then maybe I was his husband maybe he was my wife
And even,things I don't like about him are fine with me
Cause it's not hard for me to understand him cause he's so much like me
And it's truly my pleasure to share his company
And I know that it's God's gift to breathe
The air he breathes

Cause he is the truth
Said he is so real
And I love the way that he makes me feel
And if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly because
His light it shines so bright I wouldn't lie (no)ohhhhhhhhh!

Verse 2:
How can the same man that makes me so mad
Do you know what he did-(Spoken)
Turn right around and kiss me so soft
Girl do you know what he did-(Spoken)
If he ever left me I wouldn't even be sad no
Cause there's a blessin' in every lesson
And I'm glad that I knew him at all

Cause he is the truth
Said he is so real
And I love the way that he makes me feel
And if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly because
His light it shines so bright no

Bridge, Break-down, & Ending :
I love the way he speaks
I love the way he thinks
I love the way that he treats his mama
I love that gap in between his teeth
I love him in every way that a woman can love a man
From personal to universal but most of all
It's unconditional

You know what I'm talking about-(Spoken)
That's the way I feel
And I always will-(Spoken)

There ain't no substitute for the truth
Either it is or isn't
(Cause he is the truth)
You see the truth it needs no proof
Either it is or it isn't
(Cause he is the truth)
Now you know the truth by the way it feels
And if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly
Because he is, yes he is
I wonder does he know -Echoes

I love you because you are the truth baby
You are a blessing from god and there is no guessing no more
You are the one

P.S-I miss you

Yours Truly,Yurika

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Yurika's Honey Lemon Chicken =)

Made this today =)
It was super zesty yes simply satisfiying

Yours Truly,Yurika

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mission =)

Chicken Pie

wish me luck =)

Yours Truly,Yurika

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I need some time to think

the twilight saga-new moon

Definately a must watch movie!!!!

I know i did and it was awesome..for those people who haven't watched it yet..go and grab your ticket now!!!I'm sure you will not regret watching it =)

P.S Jacob is super hot!!!!!

Yours Truly,Yurika

Aliya & Liyana

Aliya and Liyana are both my bestie and i do very much love both of em!!
It's been years since i've hanged out with them especially Aliya
We never get the perfect chance to hang out together since our schedules are different

Well today,finally i got to hung out with both of em..Well techniquely with Aliya but later on with Liyana =)
Left home about 12 pm..Aliya picked me up..then we were planning to see the new movie called new moon(twilight)..

Both of us have passed many obstacles today =)
-finding the right way to klcc(jalan ampang)
-finding our way to the Avenue K parking(bcoz klcc parking is like extremely expensive)
-finding a place to park in that "SPACIOUS YET SCARY RM10 PER ENTRY PARKING LOT"
-finding our way to klcc(which was pretty easy actually) =P
-for the biggest moment..lining up hoping that we could watch the twilight new moon movie and yes good news coz we did get tickets..but it was wierd though bcos there were still seats available for this movie but not for 2012..
-Aliya finding for me in Kinokuniya..I clearly said that i was going to the japanese section...but she went to the chinese section wonder u couldn't find me =P
-Aliya driving back to sunway with all the traffic jam and rain(sorry al because i was so tired and fell asleep for awhile)
-Went to sunway pyramid bcoz both of us was craving for Kenny Rogers(yummy yummy) and also visit ms.Liyana at coffee bean =)
-Mum called asking me to bring her left document at home..she was going for an interview(how could she forget to bring the most important part of the interview)..reminders to all donot i repeat do no forget anything behind if you are going for an important meeting or what sort eva and remember to do a checklist
-So we drove back to my house,pick up the document,drove to where mum asked us to the NPE highway after the toll bfore the blue bridge..thanks a lot al for your time and liyana for being a pro on roads and talking to my mum on the phone..i love u guys soo much
-Aliya sending Liyana back home and finally me and that's about it..our obstacles together =) thanks again both of ya..

I love both of them and i really do miss hanging out with them and our schooldays when back then we would go crazy and do stuffs togethe and seeing each others faces from Monday-Fridays..heheheh

Hanging out with you guys are the best..They never fail making me smile once again

Yours Truly,Yurika

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Went to MPH again today..just wondering around in subang parade all by myself because mum is too busy talking to her friend..I found something that caught my eyes there..guess what!!?? recipe books!! okay might not be intresting to you but to me...yes it is =P

There was soup,pasta,sauces,asian foods,vietnamese recipes n bla bla bla
heheh i was like waaaaaaa waaaaaaa besh nya =P
then i came across this recipe book
The 21 day Wonder Diet
It is written there lose up to 10kg in 3weeks
then i was thinking can we actually lose 10kg in 3 weeks?
what do you think
I was kindda tempted to buy
should i shouldn't i?
BIG questionmark =)

Yours Truly,Yurika

Monday, November 23, 2009

I want!!! =)

Animal necklaces!!

Yours Truly,Yurika

Th One =D

Adrian Filzee Bin Ahmad Farisi =)

Yours truly,Yurika

Beautiful bits of pieces =)

"Pencil Crayon Jewelry"

Ever imagined something like it?
If you had,now your dream is a reality=)

Your Truly,Yurika

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Goodbye to Azman,Mummy n Daddy
Goodbye delicious food
Goodbye comfy room
Goodbye meow meow yg slalu je lari bila tgk saya sekarang
Goodbye going places to places after another
Goodbye cooking in the kitchen

Goodbye to all of this for now as i have to go back to Sri Iskandar tomorrow

My train will be departing from KL central at 9.30 am on 8th November which is tomorrow
I hate it when i have to wake up early in the morning but its okay
I'm psyched to meet my friends in Sri Iskandar =)
Be ah,Fazzu,Aten,Wanis,Ayie,Qusha,Izzati
Arghhh miss you guys a lot i swear to god!
I can't wait to let them taste my cooking
I made coroqqute today
Spend 2 hours making it all by myself while mum and azman doin god knows what
I do know what azman did though...playing Plants VS Zombie which yes i influenced him in playing

That's it for now i guess..Have to start studying for my Architectural Science and History of Architecture..Will update you guys on my trip to Melaka later on..probably after i'm done with my finals,design and review..Till then...

Yours Truly,Yurika

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wada Michiko =)

Wada Michiko is my grandma
Although she is old,she is still pretty just like my mum =)
I'm soo excited because mum gave me a text message telling me she's coming this
She's coming here all the way from Hiroshima
Mum reminded me to study japanese...hehehe
Okie dokie mama..I will k?
aaarghh!! I can't wait to see her!!
It's been about 2 years since i last went to Japan
I really want to go back to Japan because i love the environment there
The air over there is soo fresh
Well Japan is a must visit country
There are many interesting things there as to culture,people,architecture,custom,seasons etc

I'm planning to ask grandma to bring back a set of kimono for me =)

Yours Truly,Yurika

Design =)

Thanks to En. Meor I finally have the image of what i'm going to do for my Design.At least i think i do =)
The title given for our final project is "Form & Space"
We have to have a form and inside the space,we have to have moods in it for example sad,happy,angry,frustrating bla bla bla
After all the criting sessions and all,finally i got my model form
The concept of my form is a mushroom
and the story line of this design is from the movie Up Pixar
It's a very intresting movie and also my current fav now
i hope my design turn out good
please please turn out good
I'm currently not having enough sleep these few days but it's not that bad
The feeling of completing my works are the best feeling ever =)

Lets see how it turns out to be aite?
I will definately update u guys on my design later

Yours Truly,yurika

Exam Schedules

26th October 2009-Design Submission

28th October 2009-Constructin Technology

3rd November 2009-Intro to Structure

10th November 2009-Architectural Science

13th November 2009-History in Architecture

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Busy BEE~

We are all busy doing this doing that
Non stop completing our assignments
My body is aching like hell rite now because i haven't had enough sleep for days
After one comes another
After Construction Technology comes
Mandarin then History in Architecture
Test here and there
I can't even close my eyes and sleep peacefully as whenever i do,i would have nightmares
I wish this would all end but no
It will go on and on till our exams finish

Mr. Firdaus told us earlier today that not enough time is not an excuse as god have given us 24 hours a day

I will strive my best to work hard and i will use the time that have been given to me wisely

Thanks Mr. Firdaus for your advice

Yours truly,Yurika

Monday, October 19, 2009

Movies i'll definately be watching =)

Jennifer's body

Oh yes i'm definately definately watching this one!!!
Looks yummy =)

500 days of summer
I bet this would be a great movie

Yours Truly,Yurika

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Yes there you have it
I'm stressed
Both from the inside and from the outside too

I want a long hot,bubbly bath!!!

Exams!! =/

It's that time of semester again
The stressfull times
Times where one have to cope up with everything!!
Can you imagine all this all at once?
Crazy isn't it?
Well that's a life of a student whether you like it or not
You have to learn to accept
Exams are just around the corner
This totally freaks me out
I'm worried,stressed,depressed,angry with myself
I want to do my best
I want to achieve my goals

God please please please let this ends quickly
I want to go through this as a brave and strong person
I can't wait to meet my family
I really miss them a lot =/

Monday, October 12, 2009

Proud =)

Thanks to everyone who helped in painting this Archiday Listen 2009 banner

Yusri,Aidil,Fikri,Yurika,Raabiah,Amaliena,Daiman,Zikri,Faiz chombo,and few of the part01 students
For those names not mentioned that helped in painting this banner and hanging it,i'm sorry but once again thank you to all of you

Note:This banner have been "stolen" by our 07 super seniors
(please do handle with care u guys =P)

Yours Truly,Yurika

Archiday Listen 2009

Together we made it possible!! =)

Congrats to all Aki47 studio 03 for making Archiday Listen 2009 a reality

Yours Truly,Yurika

Nervous =/

Got a text message from Hanchock a.k.a Aiman Shafris yesterday
We were all asked to go to studio 03 today because a post moterm archiday will be held there at 11am tday


I wonder what will happen today
Hope everything goes well

Okay okay now think positive Yurika,nothing bad will happen today

Yours Truly,Yurika

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuol Sleng Prison in Cambodia

What a place Tuol Sleng is. It has a hospital-like odor and ammonia-like cover up. I guess both places are venues of death and that can never be hidden by any method or means.The S-21 Genocide Museum is in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tuol Sleng means "Hill of the Poisonous Trees" or "Strychnine Hill".

It was once a school named Tuol Svay Prey High School.All the pupils were forced to be prison guards and tortures.Then the ultra extremest Khmer Rouge Communist Government took over in 1975. They transformed the school into a chamber of suffering and death that lasted until the fall of the Khmer Rouge in 1979.Anyone who wore glasses,could read or had an education(Christians and Budhist) all were rounded up,imprisoned and eventually killed cruely in this pol pot regime.

Before entering the tuol sleng prison,there was a sign posted and this was what the prisoners first saw before entering.

  • 1. You must answer accordingly to my question. Don't turn them away.
  • 2. Don't try to hide the facts by making pretexts this and that, you are strictly prohibited to contest me.
  • 3. Don't be a fool for you are a chap who dare to thwart the revolution.
  • 4. You must immediately answer my questions without wasting time to reflect.
  • 5. Don't tell me either about your immoralities or the essence of the revolution.
  • 6. While getting lashes or electrification you must not cry at all.
  • 7. Do nothing, sit still and wait for my orders. If there is no order, keep quiet. When I ask you to do something, you must do it right away without protesting.
  • 8. Don't make pretext about Kampuchea Krom in order to hide your secret or traitor.
  • 9. If you don't follow all the above rules, you shall get many many lashes of electric wire./LI>
  • 10. If you disobey any point of my regulations you shall get either ten lashes or five shocks of electric discharge.

    • 1. You must answer accordingly to my question. Don't turn them away.
    • 2. Don't try to hide the facts by making pretexts this and that, you are strictly prohibited to contest me.
    • 3. Don't be a fool for you are a chap who dare to thwart the revolution.
    • 4. You must immediately answer my questions without wasting time to reflect.
    • 5. Don't tell me either about your immoralities or the essence of the revolution.
    • 6. While getting lashes or electrification you must not cry at all.
    • 7. Do nothing, sit still and wait for my orders. If there is no order, keep quiet. When I ask you to do something, you must do it right away without protesting.
    • 8. Don't make pretext about Kampuchea Krom in order to hide your secret or traitor.
    • 9. If you don't follow all the above rules, you shall get many many lashes of electric wire.
    • 10. If you disobey any point of my regulations you shall get either ten lashes or five shocks of electric discharge.
    Just by reading this we know how cruel they were tortured back then between the year 1975 & 1979.
  • 1. You must answer accordingly to my question. Don't turn them away.
  • 2. Don't try to hide the facts by making pretexts this and that, you are strictly prohibited to contest me.
  • 3. Don't be a fool for you are a chap who dare to thwart the revolution.
  • 4. You must immediately answer my questions without wasting time to reflect.
  • 5. Don't tell me either about your immoralities or the essence of the revolution.
  • 6. While getting lashes or electrification you must not cry at all.
  • 7. Do nothing, sit still and wait for my orders. If there is no order, keep quiet. When I ask you to do something, you must do it right away without protesting.
  • 8. Don't make pretext about Kampuchea Krom in order to hide your secret or traitor.
  • 9. If you don't follow all the above rules, you shall get many many lashes of electric wire./LI>
  • 10. If you disobey any point of my regulations you shall get either ten lashes or five shocks of electric discharge.

  • Inside Tuol Sleng are room after room of photos of the victims.Non of the victims survived this cruel act . There are still chains bolted to the ground, visible bloodstains on the walls and evidence of suffering everywhere. Prisoners' families were often brought en masse to be interrogated and later murdered at the Choeung Ek extermination center.The place was used to obtain confessions through torture. Prisoners were tortured with electric shocks through the most treasured areas of their bodies and there were even some photos and metal tools that they heated and seared the skin of the prisoners.They were sometimes forced to eat human feaces and also drink human urines.Most of the prisoners had many diseases.

    I feel lucky that we all don't have to go through all of this.I hope history like this will never repeat ever again.I wished we could go for a trip to Cambodia with my studio friends and experience this for myself..One day i will make sure i visit this place oh and Angkor Wat too.These two places are a must when you visit Cambodia.

    Yours Truly,Yurika

    Tuesday, October 6, 2009

    ARCHIDAY 2009

    09th - 10th October 2009
    Foyer FSPU UITM Perak


    Yours Truly,Yurika

    Wednesday, September 23, 2009

    Sydney blanketed by red dust

    23rd sept 2009,Wednesday
    Around 7 am-7.30 am

    Sydneysiders have woken to a red haze unlike anything seen before by residents or weather experts, as the sun struggles to pierce a thick blanket of dust cloaking the city this morning.

    It seems like we're in an armageddon movie only it's real.

    The Harbour Bridge

    The Harbour Bridge

    Ferris Wheel at Luna Park

    These above images were not edited.Would you say this event is scary or is it exciting as these events have never occured in Sydney before this.

    Thank god the condition return normal on Thursday(240909)with a mostly sunny day, moderate to fresh westerly winds, and a top temperature of 23 degrees expected in the city.

    Even though the air looks clearer, with so much excess dust around the air quality will still be considered very high to hazardous, which is why the NSW advise everyone to avoid being outdoors, but especially those who suffer from asthma or some kind of respiratory illness.

    Yours Truly,Yurika

    One day this will be a reality

    What exactly will be a reality?

    Riding a hot air balloon!! yes =)

    Aren't they simply beautiful?
    Although there are many forms and shapes of these hot air balloons,the classic ones are the best =)

    I will make it a reality someday,somehow

    Yours Truly,Yurika

    Tuesday, September 22, 2009


    After posting so many blogs since i've created this account for my History In Architecture subject by Mr. Firdaus,now i would like to talk a little bit about myself(my 1st assignment)..Okay 1st of all i would like to welcome especially Mr.Firdaus and all my friends =)

    The name given by both my parents is DIYANA YURIKA BT. KHAIRUDDIN.Yes,this name was the combination of ideas from both my parents.My mum said that my dad likes the name Diyana so as you can see there it is,my 1st name =).As for Yurika,it was from my mum.Yurika is a japanese name since my mum is a japanese and i am half malay n half japanese..hahaha..Well i have no idea what Diyana means but Yurika means,'yu'(kind),'ri'(hometown-a very beautiful place),'ka'(flower), so when it's combined it means a kind flower in a hometown? well something like that..okay go ahead and laugh..hahah..

    The date i was born into this planet Earth was on 13th april 1990(130490).To me i think it is a bad date.why? People often refer 13 as an unlucky number while 4 in chinese & japanese means 'die'.Not only that! Have you ever heard of Friday the 13th? Guess what? I was born on Friday.But i really hope i don't bring bad things to my family. Good thing is they accept me for who i am =)

    I come from a rather small family.My dad is Khairuddin B. Abdul Aziz.He's from Johor while my mum is Maya Wada/Mariam Bt. Abdullah from Hiroshima.I only have 2 siblings.I am the eldest and i have a small brother who is 4 years younger than i am,Azman Arif Hayato B. Khairuddin. Do you want to know what his names means too?hehe..My brother will be sitting for his PMR(Ujian Penilaian Menengah Rendah) this year,probably a week after raya..All the best Azman!! I used to fight with him all the time but that was back when he was at home with me.Since he went to boarding school,we don't see each other quite often and yeah we don't fight anymore(okay that would be impossible..We don't fight that often)..I would get really sad if i come back home for holidays and seeing him nowhere to be found at home.I mean he's the only family i've got besides my mum and dad right?

    I really love making art crafts..It can be considered as a hobby right? Whenever i am bored,i would do something which i call "My Weekend Project"(it really doesn't have to be done on weekends but i don't know why i even call it a weekend project..weird)hahaha..most of the things i'm attracted in doing are cute things..hahha..i make keychains,birthday cards, and bla bla bla..i love making birthday cards for people.It's because i think its better rather than just buying it and then write happy birthday!..To me, when you do it yourself,it brings more meaning as it is one in a million..come on..the person receiving it should be really happy as no one can find the same piece in any stores =)'s special...

    Japanese,Korean,Chinese,Thai cuisine,(Malay?Not my fav)
    Horror,Comedy,Romantic Movies
    Listening to calm music(jazz,acoustic,etc)
    Animals(especially furry ones)

    Why Architecture?
    The main reason i choose architecture is because i love to see buildings. I hope someday i could have my own masterpiece that i could be proud of..=)
    I find architecture as an interesting field to major in thus with global warming becoming much more serious these days,i wish to build an environmental friendly building(sustainable architecture)
    I also love interior designing because i think it is fun to design a space so that everyone would be comfortable in but i choose to study architecture is because i think the possibility of getting a job in interior design is not as big as in architecture.
    Since i'm already majoring in architecture,i will not waste my chance..I mean this is what i want right?So i will work my very best to achieve it thus i don't want to dissapoint my family especially mum,dad and my lil brother.

    "That's the beauty of Architecture. It can be all things for all people. Architecture is less about the design of buildings, than an attitude to life. It's about creativity, imagination and dreaming a better world for the future.
    Neil Leach, Writer and Lecturer, Nottingham

    I would like to thank Mr.Firdaus for taking his time reading my blog.Thank you Mr.firdaus!!You have made us want to study history and there is absolutely NO word of HISTORY=BORING to me when it comes to his class =)
    I do enjoy attending to his classes although we only had 2 classes with him so far.

    Yours Truly,Yurika

    Baby Ostrich a.k.a Dr. Grey

    Hello there Dr.Grey,you look super cute and intelligent

    Try imagining him wearing a pair of BIG glasses.That would definitely complete his look =)

    Topography in the sky =)

    Adoreable Creature!!!

    For those of you who don't know what this is,it's called a sugar glider.Look how adoreable this creature is!!!It lives in forests and rainforests of mainland Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea, and some nearby islands. The Sugar Glider is around 15 to 20 cm in length, with a tail longer than the body and almost as thick as a human thumb, and weighs between 90 and 150 grams. The fur is generally pearl grey, with black and cream patches on the underbelly and black or grey ears.

    The sugar glider is an omnivore which means it eats vege and also meat just like us.It licks on
    sweet gum from the acacia tree, sweet sap from eucalyptus trees, nectar,and small insects like spiders for instance.

    I had a pair of these simply adorable creature but unfortunately.Someone it's either me or my brother Azman forgot to shut the cage properly. =( And yes you know what happens right? They ran away.Nowhere to be found.This is really sad but yeah no sign of them anywhere...i love them because they are super adoreable with their huge eyes and huge ears....oh and furry!!! =)

    They are super expensive though..One sugar glider cost you about no less than rm350 but i'm planning on buying a pair..I have to work hard and start saving from now.yes someday i will get myself a pair of this sugar glider =)..

    These are some cute pictures i got from the web..have a look =) Thanks to the person uploding this image...That is one adoreable sugar glider u got there =)

    Okay admit it!!!They are simply irresistable !!

    look at those innocent eyes..seriously!!! arrghhh..

    Okay enough of my craziness for now..I will get these sugar gliders..yes i will.. =)

    Yours Truly,Yurika

    Saturday, September 19, 2009

    Believe it or not


    I'm sure all of us have heard about can we not right?it's our favourite childhood toy!! well it was for too =)

    I can't even believe this is favourite childhood pastime is actually turning into cool gadgets!!

    Yes people!!LEGO will be officially releasing their own lego gadgets...soon we will see them in markets..they have been on the market for some time now but not yet official..ohh i can't wait for it to be officially in Malaysia!!!

    As we can see,there are cameras,USB flash drives,video recorder,mp3 players and even mobile phones!!

    I would really like to get myself a USB flash drives and perhaps an mp3 player =)

    An eye-opening project

    This project is called 'melting men' by nele azevedo

    Take a look at these pictures and and i hope that it will make us aware of what is actually happening to our world today

    A brazilian artist nele azevedo, carved 1,000 figures out of ice
    and placed them on the steps of the concert hall in berlin's gendarmenmarkt square.
    with temperatures of 73 degrees fahreneheit, (23 degress celsius), the ice figures began melting
    within half an hour. the project entitled 'melting men' was meant to bring awareness to the
    world wildlife fund's warning, that melting ice could cause sea-levels to rise more than
    3.3 ft by 2100.

    I find this very fascinating.I love that the idea of artist making many small human figures out of ice..This shows how small the humans are in this world and when the ice melts,it shows that we will soon disappear from this world if we do not take any actions in what's happening to our earth now..This looks very simple yet it brings awareness and motivation to us all..

    How i wished that this was shown to people all over the world so that is brings awareness to us all as it did to me..

    Let us all take good care of our earth and make it a better place

    Yours Truly,Yurika